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Overcoming Barriers to Digital Transformation: Embracing Change with GxpManager

The digital transformation of companies faces a number of obstacles that are slowing down its adoption, despite its benefits.

Illustration of one of the obstacles to digital transformation: fear of change

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Digitalization of business processes has become unavoidable in various sectors such as life sciences, agri-food, chemistry, cosmetics, banking and insurance, transportation, public services, and more. However, this transformation faces several obstacles that hinder its adoption despite its potential advantages.

Several barriers have been identified, such as the fear of change, potentially associated costs with the transformation, and regulatory constraints in different sectors that impose strict standards, making the adoption of new technologies challenging at times.


Digitalization offers promising opportunities: process optimization, increased accessibility to information, reduced human errors, and facilitation of exchanges. Yet, many companies resist this digital transformation, fearing its disruptions, notably the fear of change—breaking habits: “If it works well, why change?

Fear of change

Fear of change is a deeply rooted human phenomenon. The idea of stepping out of one’s comfort zone and adopting new practices can generate uncertainty and anxiety. This reluctance can manifest at different levels within organizations.

  • Employees may fear the complexity of new tools or dread losing control over their usual tasks.
  • Leaders, on the other hand, might fear the costs associated with the transition, team resistance, or disruption of existing activities.

Yet, ignoring or delaying digitalization carries risks. Companies that delay adapting to new technologies risk losing competitiveness against more agile and innovative competitors.

Overcoming the Fear of Change and Facilitating Digitalization Within Organizations

The key lies in communication, education, and support. It’s crucial to involve all stakeholders from the initial phases of the digitalization process. By explaining tangible benefits, providing tailored training, and encouraging gradual experimentation, apprehensions can be reduced, fostering acceptance of change.

Additionally, a progressive approach can be beneficial. Rather than aiming for a radical transformation overnight, a step-by-step transition allows individuals and teams to gradually adapt to new tools and methods. This approach helps limit the shock of change and harmoniously integrates digitalization within the company.

In conclusion, the fear of change poses a significant barrier to digitalization, but it can be overcome. By involving stakeholders, transparent communication, and adopting a progressive approach, companies can embark on the path of digitalization, reducing reluctance and fully leveraging the opportunities offered by this transformation.

The Importance of an Agile, User-Centered Digitalization Solution

GxpManager emerges as an innovative solution to overcome hesitancies linked to digital transformation, both among employees and company leaders.

  • For employees who are often concerned about the complexity of new tools and potential loss of control over their habitual tasks, GxpManager offers an inclusive approach. Involving the end-user from the outset in modeling applications for digitalizing business processes allows better understanding and gradual ownership. Through a 3-week agile method involving workshops followed by real-time configuration by a consultant, users quickly access the application, familiarize themselves with it, and provide tangible feedback for subsequent development cycles.
  • For leaders who often fear costs associated with the transition or team resistance that may disrupt current activities, GxpManager’s progressive and agile approach offers a smooth transition. It enables a gradual adaptation of processes while considering the needs and feedback of end-users, minimizing disruption risks, and maximizing change acceptance within the company.

GxpManager stands out as a No Code Low Code platform, expanding its ability to integrate users into digital transformation. This innovative approach allows active user involvement in application design. Its user-friendliness helps alleviate employee apprehensions about new tools, offering leaders a flexible and adaptable solution, thus easing concerns about costs and ongoing activity disruptions and ensuring a smooth transition towards digitalizing business processes.


In conclusion, overcoming the fear of change in digitalizing business processes is feasible. By adopting a methodical, proactive approach and investing in the right technologies that foster innovation-oriented company culture, businesses can overcome these challenges and fully leverage the advantages of digitalization to remain competitive and compliant.