How to build and implement an eQMS: efficiency, compliance and data integrity – Replay

bespoke application

Bespoke application "A la carte"

With our bespoke application templates, either you create your application or we create it for you.

Visual representing a delphi developer in font of a computer


The GxpForms solution replaces your paper, PDF, Word™ or Excel™ forms, by our GxpForms component.

The GxpXL custom application allows you to protect your data and ensures compliance and agility for your projects by transposing classic files

Advantages of bespoke application

Bespoke applications are the result of capitalized experience with our customers.

Low Code / No Code

Our GxpManager platform embedded No Code / Low Code configurator allows to quickly manage your data in reliable manner and to personalize your applications at any time thanks to unlimited adaptation possibilities.

You are convinced by the GxpManager LCNC?
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GxpXL webinar

Objective of this webinar is to remind you notions of Data Integrity, as well as to present you the risks linked to  use of Excel matrices…

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