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ISO 9001: Benefits, Implementation, and GxpManager's Certification Journey

ISO 9001 is the standard for Quality Management. Obtaining ISO 9001 certification proves that the company maintains a continuous improvement system. GxpManager has been certified ISO 9001 since March 29th, 2023.

images of cubes with "certification ISO 9001" written on them

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What is ISO 9001?

The ISO 9001 standard is an international standard that defines the criteria and requirements for a Quality Management System in an organization. It is a standard recognized and used in 170 countries that specifies the general framework of the organization of a quality process developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

This certification was designed to help companies implement an effective Quality Management System that will enable them to improve their performance and operational efficiency, satisfy their customers’ needs, and comply with applicable regulatory and legal requirements.

ISO 9001 specifies the requirements for implementing and documenting a quality management system and the requirements for implementing continuous improvement processes. Companies seeking ISO 9001 certification must demonstrate that they meet all the standard requirements by passing an assessment by an accredited certification body.

The standard is based on several quality management principles, including customer focus, management motivation and commitment, the process approach, and continuous improvement.

A company seeks this certification when it:

  • Must demonstrate its ability to consistently provide goods and services that meet customer needs and all applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Aims to increase customer satisfaction and confidence through effective implementation.

It will allow the company to indicate to its environment that it has good Quality Management and to ensure the continuous improvement of work processes and management tasks.


The ISO 9001 standard focuses on customer satisfaction and improving the quality of the company’s products or services. By implementing a quality management system, the company can identify its customers’ needs and expectations, consider them in its operational processes, and improve the quality of its products or services to satisfy them better.

It also encourages companies to set up efficient operational processes and continuously improve them. Thanks to this, the company will be able to detect malfunctions at each level of the production chain and respond to them in a corrective and preventive manner by identifying their causes. Thus, it will allow it to become more competitive in the national and international markets.

The standard forces companies to respect the legal and regulatory requirements applicable to their activity. By implementing a Quality Management System, the company can closely follow the changes in legislation and regulations, comply with them, and demonstrate its compliance in case of control.

Having this certification is a guarantee of quality recognized at the international level. In addition, the company can improve its brand image and reputation with its customers, business partners, and stakeholders by obtaining it.

ISO 9001:2015 at GxpManager

At GxpManager, obtaining this certification has been the goal for the past two years.

As a provider of critical data processing solutions, customers were systematically auditing GxpManager. Since its Quality Management System was already in place and well-developed, it was necessary to have it confirmed and recognized by a certification body.

The GxpManager teams were involved in the quality process and worked together on this project to implement the elements required by the standard within GxpManager.

Apave Certification ISO9001

The final stage of the project was the certification audit carried out by APAVE Certification, which accompanied GxpManager over the three-year certification cycle. The initial audit in January 2023 demonstrated that GxpManager’s Quality Management System meets the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. As a result, the decision for immediate initial certification was made by Apave certification.

ISO 9001 is a valuable tool for companies that want to improve their performance, competitiveness, and efficiency by implementing a solid and effective Quality Management System.

Therefore, we are excited to announce that GxpManager has achieved ISO 9001:2015 certification for its Quality Management System! This certification recognizes our commitment to operational excellence and customer satisfaction.

We want to thank all our team members, as well as our customers, for their support and trust.