How to build and implement an eQMS: efficiency, compliance and data integrity – Replay

standard application

Audit Management

Manage and centralize all your internal, client, and supplier audits.

Do you find managing audits in Excel tedious and prone to errors?

Are you wasting time centralizing data and manually tracking corrective actions?

GxpManager platform

An application to simplify and optimize
the management of your audits.

GxpManager is a powerful platform for efficiently managing internal, client, and supplier audits.

Audit planning and tracking

  • Audit Planning: easily organise and schedule your audits.
  • Audits Responses: Record the responses to each audit question.
  • Risk Analysis: Assess the risks associated with your suppliers to adjust your audit frequencies.

Auditor and Resource Management

  • Auditor List: Manage your auditors with detailed profiles, including their skills, training, and completed audits.
  • Document Management: Store and access all documents related to your audits.

Corrective Actions Tracking

  • CAPA: Track corrective and preventive actions resulting from your audits.
  • Workflows: Initiate workflows to seamlessly and securely track and approve CAPAs.

A Personalized Dashboard

  • Create charts based on your KPIs to visualize trends and recurring non-conformities, for example.
  • Identify critical points and make informed decisions to improve your processes continuously.

Powerful Features

Risk Analysis

Our risk analysis feature allows you to determine the audit frequency for each supplier based on specific criteria. This proactive assessment helps you anticipate and manage risks effectively.

Creation and Customization of Questionnaires

Create and customize questionnaires to structure your audits and analyze the results. Filter questions by framework and design custom audit templates in just a few clicks.

Export and Reporting

The application allows you to export all audit data to Excel for more in-depth analysis. Additionally, the automatic generation of audit reports in Word format enables you to create professional documents instantly.

Application Demonstration: Audit Management

A Complete Digitalization of Your Audit Processes

GxpManager simplifies and enhances collaboration for managing your internal and external audits by centralizing all your audit data. It is a powerful tool for tracking and analysis, enabling you to gain efficiency and reliability. Whether it’s planning audits, tracking CAPAs, or analyzing supplier performance, our application is your ally for optimal quality management.

A Constantly Evolving Platform.

We are working on an update to the GxpManager platform to integrate user feedback. This new version will offer an improved user experience and will be available in a few months. The image beside gives you a preview of its future design.

GxpManager platform images : Digitize Your Business Processes & Focus on What Matters

Benefits of the GxpManager Audit Management Application

Efficiency and Time Savings

Our application simplifies all stages of audit management, from planning to closure, including CAPA tracking. Save time and improve productivity.

Simplified Collaboration and Workflows

With access management, you determine each person’s permissions in the audit process, whether for internal or external users. Build multi-step workflows with optional electronic signatures to certify the validation of each stage of your audits.

Advanced Analysis and Reporting

Generate detailed audit reports with a single click and risk management reports for your audits. Analyze your data with charts to visualize trends, recurrences, and risks. If desired, export your data to Excel for more in-depth analysis.

Compliance and Traceability

Thanks to robust features and rigorous data management, your audit processes comply with standards such as ISO, GxP, GMP, and FDA, ensuring data and action traceability.

Why digitalise your business with GxpManager

Compliance icon


Applications inherently compliant with national and international regulations: FDA, GMP, ISO

Agility icon


Our solutions are flexible and adaptable to your needs over time.

security icon


Security and integrity are guaranteed through highly secure and sovereign data centres.

Fast icon


Thanks to close collaboration and the Agile methodology, application deployment will take a few days to a few weeks.

cost saving icon


With No-Code/Low-Code, forget about expensive specifications and development.

Compliance icon

Applications inherently compliant with national and international regulations: FDA, GMP, ISO

Agility icon
Our solutions are flexible and adaptable to your needs over time.
security icon

Security and integrity are guaranteed through highly secure and sovereign data centres.

Fast icon
Thanks to close collaboration and the Agile methodology, application deployment will take a few days to a few weeks.
cost saving icon
With No-Code/Low-Code, forget about expensive specifications and development.

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